28 Oct 2013

Dr Ling’s acquittal shows Putrajaya’s graft war farcical, say critics

Putrajaya's war against crime in high places appears to be a farce, judging from the way former cabinet minister Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik (pic) was charged, and later acquitted, say a former attorney general and a veteran lawyer.

Both Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman and Karpal Singh felt that Dr Ling should not have been charged in the first place and that the four-year court battle which followed was simply a charade by Putrajaya to portray it was serious in getting a "big fish".

They questioned why ex-prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's statement was not recorded before Dr Ling was charged with allegedly cheating the Cabinet over the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) land project in 2010.

"If Dr Mahathir's statement was recorded earlier, then the Attorney General would have had to think twice whether to frame charges against Dr Ling," Abu Talib told The Malaysian Insider.

Police only recorded two statements from Dr Ling's former boss in 2011 and early last year as the trial was progressing.

17 Oct 2013


以下是《当今大马》http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/243951 的一些评论,分享给看不到的朋友们

Anonymous #28182489 人前手牵手,背后下毒手。“肝胆相照”,“情同手足”,值多少钱一斤?
17/10/2013 7:50:49pm | Report

Anonymous #28182489 马华党员对老翁被出卖的历史,应该记忆犹新。有人竟然还厚着脸皮,大谈“气节”?
17/10/2013 7:31:13pm | Report

Tangan Kirimu “对我而言,天大地大不及手足情大。这些日子以来,我们都是患难与共,风雨同路的。我与廖中莱之间,都是有情有意,肝胆相照。”讲得好!当老翁跟老蔡斗时,你们两条粉肠也是誓死站在老翁后面,那知道一转眼就要砍掉老翁,酱快你就忘记了吗?肥子祥我看你是要等鹬蚌相争,肥子得利而已。之前又说别人用CIA用的遥控直升机偷拍你肥子,现在又说一整晚没睡写好稿,你以为自己很定啊?马华没有你就不行吗?你会不选吗?puuuiihhh!!
1 hour ago | Report

Joseph Soon 看过你演戏的人都会觉得--噁心
1 hour ago | Report

rakyatfirst 马华同志们,还要衰给人看吗?已经是够衰了,做了一世的巫统狗,现在没华人要我们了,怎么还不会反省反省?悲也!
12 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #74949771 伪公家祥说的很恐怖咯!一个“肝硬化,一个胆生瘤”恐怖到我不敢看他的视频。
12 hours ago | Report

達可 10.未嘉祥(前馬青腫必書):只要我淚水一出、沒有不󾮝到擒來!俺是現代劉備
14 hours ago | Report

水手 夠假
14 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #28924705 I bet WKS to contest in Duputy President and avoid straight fight with GPS. And push up LTL to face GPS in presidency fight. CD will then woo all his supporters to remove LTL and in return his son will take a seat as VP. If this will to happen and real supports from CD camps, LTL will loose in the battle and ending up his political career. Whereas GPS has to go but this guy is much smarter than LTL, unfortunately he has to depend of CD supporters. (A Parent)
16 hours ago | Report

Anonymous#3108606 多少恨?上回党选中。肝胆相照戏正浓。信誓旦旦不由衷,伪僚宰迂翁!
16 hours ago | Report

小明 最佳男主角!
16 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #59082512 肝胆相照是用口讲的,背后插刀是用手做的咯。。。
17 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #63069007 Fatty WKS,nah!o0o.
17 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #28182489 在政客眼里:“权”,“利‘最重要;”气节“最不值钱。
18 hours ago | Report

五月五 换政府 拜拜啦,两位保重,一路走好
18 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #28182489 在政客的字典里,永远找不到“肝胆相照”这个词语。
18 hours ago | Report

KL老尖 好一個肝膽相照,我卻認為是蛇鼠一窩!
18 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #28182489 在政坛上,最后一分钟见风转舵,带枪投靠敌对阵营的,不胜枚举。上届马华改选,大家应该记忆犹新。
18 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #28182489 都是墙头草,没资格谈道义。
19 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #20099632 天大地大不及手足情大。这些日子以来,我们都是患难与共,风雨同路的..? OTK, does the above sound familiar to you?
20 hours ago | Report

I'm M'sian Then just make a stand and tell the whole world: I am against CSL !!!
21 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #92359651 CCD will leave soon, and LTS is weaker & easy to kill, of course he will side the weaker & kill the stronger first, then kill the weaker. Good strategy.
21 hours ago | Report

顛倒人生 魏公當年和翁詩傑,也是如此感動的:天大地大不及手足情大。这些日子以来,我们都是患难与共,风雨同路的。
21 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #73405473 问马华手足情为何物?岂教人肝胆相照?相残相插,背后捅死好兄弟的大有人在。想当年废料向翁生表白示爱,也是废话连连:患难与共,风雨同路,有情有意,肝胆相照。。。还不如颜小弟老实早早就琵琶别抱。
21 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #46281965 利益相照是吧!
21 hours ago | Report

ckck 肝胆相照?? 狼心对狗肺!!
21 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #81525230 党魂=天底下,最亲蜜的战友,就是最危险的敌人.昔日魏廖二公,与翁公也是肝胆相照,有情有义,最后翁公却含冤战场.流星蝴蝶剑,出销不流痕.
21 hours ago | Report

我是老闆我話事 尿盅来出招,蔡CD挡拆招再反施计,魏公公来个大回避,好不热闹。
21 hours ago | Report

Anonymous #33152342 say only..both of u under OTK b4 leh..end up how?? funny..
22 hours ago | Report

lam 好感动,有情有义,肝胆相照。真有兴也好笑!哈!哈!
22 hours ago | Report

跟大家分享一则 “报神说说”

跟大家分享一则 “报神说说”


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11 Oct 2013

Cries of police officers baffling activists

PETALING JAYA: The vice chairman and the executive council member of the Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation have expressed disbelief towards the plight of police officers in the country.

The issue was highlighted in a story FMT carried yesterday upon interviewing some personnel from the force.

When called for comments, Lee Lam Thye and Robert Phang were stunned to be made aware that police personnel are facing shortage of funds in their respective departments.

Earlier, in a phone conversation, Lee requested FMT to send an email with regards to the issue as he has yet to be briefed about the matter.

However, later in a short sms exchange, Lee notified FMT that he wished to personally check and confirm the issues before making any comments.

“I am sorry, no comment at the moment, I wish to check and confirm the matter first,” said Lee who is also a social activist.

On the other hand, Phang when contacted repeatedly asked whether the allegations by police officers came from solid data.

“Are you sure this is happening,” he asked.

Upon being given more details, Phang immediately told FMT that the occurring problems have to be addressed as soon as possible; and further stressed that it must be stopped immediately.

9 Oct 2013

PREVENTION OF CRIME ACT: Select outspoken panellists

THE government should refrain from appointing "shoeshine guys" to sit on the Prevention of Crime Board under the newly passed Prevention of Crime (Amendment and Extension) Act (PCA) 2013.

They should opt for outspoken individuals, besides those from the judiciary, among academicians and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The panel members should also be increased to five from three.

A panellist with legal knowledge would be able to upkeep justice, while an academician could provide a philosophical aspect to the law. NGO members will provide check and balance.

They are the ones who go to the ground to get feedback and know the sentiments on the ground.

The NGO members must have the guts to speak without fear or favour. They must be apolitical. 
I would like to offer myself for the post because I can speak my mind.

The board has an important role in the PCA as its members have the power to send a criminal on a two-year detention without trial and can further extend the detention period by another two years.

The government should consider including a provision in the act to allow detainees to periodically seek judicial review on a detention order.

We should allow criminals to challenge the decision. Otherwise, it is going to be hard for the people to accept the act, as it can be considered a human rights violation.

3 Oct 2013







盡可能把自己打扮得:乾淨、精緻、時尚、令人愉悅 。女人可以不漂亮,但絕不能沒有氣質。 如果對於自己形象懈怠了、放鬆了、邋遢了,
那麼魅力也就減弱了。如果你連自己都不愛自己,那誰還會來愛你! ^_^


真正有魅力的女人在男人面前談吐風雅 、不卑不亢、將女人的美與睿智,機敏與體貼表現的淋漓盡致。
真正有魅力的女人在生活中會主宰自己的命運, 會調劑愛人情感,會製造浪漫情調。





PCA Panelist or Members Must Have Guts :- Speak and Act Without Fear and Favour

Former MACC advisory panel member also urges government to make amendments to the PCA so that a detention order can be challenged in court.

KUALA LUMPUR: The government should refrain from appointing “shoeshine guys” to the proposed three-member Prevention of Crime Board under the newly passed Prevention of Crime (Amendment and Extension) 2013 Act.

“They should opt for outspoken individuals like me,” said Social Care Foundation chairman Robert Phang.

The Prevention of Crime Board is set to play an important role in the PCA as its members have the power to send a person for a two-year detention without trial.

The board can then further increase the detention period by another two years. PCA prohibits judicial reviews on the board’s decisions except on procedural requirements.

The Prevention of Crime Board is to consist of a former judge of the Federal, Appeals, or High Court, and two other people whose qualifications are not specified.

The government has not mentioned any names to be part of the board.