15 Mar 2024

“Constant sniping at unity gov’t by opposition politicians can destroy Malaysia economically”

POLITICIANS today seem to be only self-serving for if they see an issue which can benefit them but hurt the nation, it makes no difference to them.

Those in the opposition need to understand every statement they make has an impact. They seem to harp on an issue which has a local impact but does not hold water.

In this day and age, the social media is a powerful tool. Everything a politician says can go viral instantaneously with adverse national and international impact if such is their ultimate intention.

Politicians tend to capitalise on sensitive issues to show that they are on the ball without realising that their action can chase away investors be they local or international.

For example, opposition politicians have been hitting out on concerts performed by international stars on religious grounds but oblivious of their mutti-fold economic benefits. A case in point is that the recent Taylor Swift concert in Singapore brought the island nation enormous economic benefits.

Singapore saw visitors spent somewhere in the region of S$500 mil (RM1.6 bil) with hotels, tours, airline tickets and eateries over-run by concert goers.

Since the end of pandemic curbs, a number of top artists have performed in Singapore, including Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Blackpink and Harry Styles. According to economists, this has contributed about 0.25% to the island nation’s economic growth in 1Q 2024 alone.

Malaysia has simply missed out on this golden opportunity because our politicians have done their very best to scare away international acts with their over-zealous comments.

Even food had become a hot topic especially the inclusion of bak kut teh in the national heritage cuisine list.

Politicians simply took an issue to this without examining the issues in depth because they felt by criticising the decision, they could stretch their political mileage. This is despite Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing had justified why bak kut teh is included in the list of National Heritage cuisines.

Politicians should stop attacking the government just for the sake of wanting to be recognised for championing certain causes.

They must also stop making sweeping statements just to be known for being vocal on issues that favour them. Put the nation first, not personal or party interest. – March 14, 2024

Prominent social activist and philanthropist Tan Sri Robert Phang Miow Sin is the founder and chairman of the Social Care Foundation. He was also a former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) advisory member.

Source : https://focusmalaysia.my/constant-sniping-at-unity-govt-by-opposition-politicians-can-destroy-malaysia-economically/

1 Mar 2024

Robert Phang: Don’t blindly run down the unity gov’t for foreign investors are watching us closely

THE opposition needs to heed the call by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA) Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar to focus their energy on the betterment of their constituents.

Instead of focusing on attempts to oust the unity government, they should provide meaningful debates on government policy and issues of the day, according to prominent social activist and philanthropist Tan Sri Robert Phang Miow Sin (main pic, right).

“The people are now facing hard times with the cost of living continuing to go up. As this is as much a global phenomenon, lawmakers on both sides of the divide should come up with innovative ways to help the rakyst overcome their hardship,” he told FocusM.

“Instead of channelling their efforts to orchestrate the recent Dubai Move conspiracy, for examples, key leaders of the opposition should have taken time to discuss how to help ease financial burden among B40 Malaysians.”

The founder and chairman of the Social Care Foundation was commenting on Sultan Ibrahim’s royal address on Monday (Feb 26) whereby the latter advised lawmakers to cease plans to oust the national unity government outside of elections.

This came about as the Johor ruler graced the first parliamentary meeting of the year which also happens to be his first parliamentary duty since ascending the throne as the 17th YDPA on Jan 31.

The former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) advisory member further cautioned the opposition that they risk “scaring away foreign investors” by incessantly attacking Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the unity government.

He went on to justify that only with the help of investors will there be job creation which will enable to oil the national economy, thus ensuring long-term employment and for prosperity to be passed down to all Malaysians.

For this reason, Phang wants key leaders of the opposition to ask themselves who will benefit from scaring away investors or if their action is tantamount of leaving the country in doldrums.

The 84-year-old Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation exco member therefore urged opposition MPs to stop putting their own interest first in current times of difficulty but instead find ways to promote ideas to lift the national economy and well-being of Malaysians.

“They have to realise that it is the public who elected them as their representatives in the Parliament but that does not mean that the opposition can simply promote their own agenda at the expense of the rakyat who elected them.”

In this regard, Phang hailed Sultan Ibrahim’s call which made it very clear that the Agong would not brook any attempts to trigger a premature change of government that could de-stabilise the country.

He contended that the opposition should heed such advice by playing their role of doling out constructive criticism instead of merely dishing out irresponsible statements that could hurt the country.

Like it or not, the crime fighter who is also sits on the board of a few public listed entities wants the opposition to understand that investors pay close attention to what is happening in the country before deciding whether to invest.

He added that scaring them away at this juncture is wasteful for it is akin to shooting oneself on one’s own foot.

“Politicians have to think about the future of the nation and that that of the future generation of Malaysians first instead of their own short-term interest,” added Phang. – March 1, 2024


Source :  https://focusmalaysia.my/robert-phang-dont-blindly-run-down-the-unity-govt-for-foreign-investors-are-watching-us-closely/

20 Feb 2024

Robert Phang: Onus on Spanco shareholders to lay to rest alleged fleet management scandal

THERE are many unanswered questions regarding how the government had awarded a contract to Spanco Sdn Bhd which prides itself as the provider of professional fleet management services to the federal government, ministries and agencies nationwide with a fleet size of over 13,000 units of concession vehicles.

As such, it imperative for the unity government to find out how the tender for the government vehicle supply, repair and maintenance project (fleet Project) was awarded to Spanco, according to prominent social activist, crime fighter and philanthropist Tan Sri Robert Phang Miow Sin (main pic, inset).

The former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) advisory member said the main priority should be for those responsible in awarding the contract to explain to the public what was their rational in extending the contract to Spanco.

“The public has the right to know and the issue cannot be swept under the carpet. It is the taxpayers’ money that is being used,” he told FocusM.

“Those responsible cannot simply shrug their shoulders and ignore their responsibility. No matter who was in-charge of awarding the contract to Spanco he must stand up and take responsibility.”

Pointing out that Spanco had been managing the government fleet project for 25 years, the 84-year-old Phang further questioned as to why only Spanco was given the project.

On Jan 20, MACC conducted a raid at the residence of a businessman holding the title Tan Sri as part of an investigation into corruption allegations related to the procurement and management of the government’s fleet of vehicles valued at RM4.5 bil.

The concession for the supply and management of government vehicles has been held by Spanco since 1993. However, an open tender was initiated after the contract expired in 2019.

Berjaya Group and Naza Sdn Bhd later formed a consortium and secured the contract through a letter of intent (LOI) in the same year.

In July last year however, Berjaya Group founder Tan Sri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun filed a lawsuit against the Finance Ministry and Spanco regarding the terminated LOI, claiming that the contract was awarded to Spanco despite their higher bid.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had recently recalled that he had consistently voiced concerns about this issue during his tenure as finance minister under the administration of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said he had recognised irregularities in that contract which proved detrimental to the country and disadvantaged civil servants.

Phang who is also Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation exco member went on to question as to why during the administration of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin the LOI was cancelled and Spanco was awarded the fleet management contract.

As such, he argued that it is also imperative for Spanco shareholders to explain to the public how they manage to secure the contract after they had initially failed to get it.

“Spanco shareholders have to realise that remaining silent about the matter is not an option given the money they are being paid for the government fleet management is public money,” added the chairman of NGO Social Care Foundation. – Feb 20, 2024

Source :  https://focusmalaysia.my/robert-phang-onus-on-spanco-shareholders-to-lay-to-rest-alleged-fleet-management-scandal/

29 Jan 2024


27th January 2024.

Tan Sri Datuk Robert Phang Miow Sin,
Justice of the Peace,
Chairman – Social Care Foundation


                                 SUPPORT NOT DEMORALISE!!!!

When different ministries/departments which are openly investigating into the various corruption happenings in our country, I suggest that we, the Rakyat must refrain/stop from posting remarks on the investigations, while it is being conducted.

Yes, the Rakyat must know the truth but they must also need to stay clear while the investigation is being carried out by the individual investigating bodies.  Please kindly respect the difficult challenges faced by MACC, PDRM and etc.  These investigations are being done professionally and thoroughly, without fear or favor. Outsiders, please do stop interfering and giving your unwanted comments which will jeopardize the whole investigations.

Malaysia is truly blessed with wonderful cultures and righteous citizens.  Let us throw our fullest support behind the Government of the day and trust that justice will prevail in our beautiful society. Let us move forward with this thought for the betterment of the Nation.


God Bless Malaysia and the Malaysians!!!!!




Tan Sri Datuk Robert Phang

Justice of the Peace,
EXCO Member – Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation.

16 Aug 2023





With numerous calls coming from the majority of the Rakyat, more so from the Malays, it is only wise and the correct decision for him to step down as leader of UMNO.  If Zahid has always indicated that he supports the Unity Government under YAB PM Anwar Ibrahim, he has to accept the fact that his presence is no longer required and inadvertablly he MUST be replaced under the circumstances.

Enough is enough, do not create any unnecessary negative problems which will deter foreign investors to come to Malaysia.  With the abject performance at the last 6 states elections, the dismayed outcome by UMNO has clearly indicated that the Rakyat has turned their backs on UMNO and now favor the opposition.

Zahid, the facts of life – when you are no longer needed it is a clear sign to step down and enjoy your retirement as it is also the right time to do so.

I will continue to pray for you and for you to make the right decision. God Bless You.



Tan Sri Datuk Robert Phang Miow Sin.
Justice of the Peace.           

1 Aug 2023


The future of Zahid’s representation letters to drop the 47 charges involving Yayasan Akalbudi has been sent to AGC and to be decided by AGC decision. Leave it to the AGC and their office bearers to do the necessary.  Rightfully they will need to investigate based on facts and evidence presented.  Needless to say, this must be done without fear or favor.  This episode must be left in the hands of AGC and MACC, no outside interference at all.  So therefore I appeal to members of AGC to do your best.

As this case is being watched earnestly by the Rakyat and the world, please do not delay the decision as it is paramount important to the State Elections around the bend plus to the Rakyat.

It will be the greatest joke in the world if AGC decides to drop the charges, so, therefore, please seriously consider the repercussions.  Let the law take its own course.  Rightfully, we should not interfere at all


God bless us – Malaysia and Malaysians. Amen.



Tan Sri Datuk Robert Phang Miow Sin.
Justice of the Peace.